Group and private lessons are also available for home-schooled students. Instruments of the violin family are very technical to play. That is, only by learning correct techniques of posture, tone production, rhythm, pitch, bowings and expression, can students be successful music makers in any style they wish to play whether classical, jazz, bluegrass, folk, hip hop, and more. Fred Mayer’s doctorate in music education, coupled with more than four decades of experience training musicians of all ages (from 5 to 85), enable him to help each individual achieve his or her greatest possible musical progress. Private lessons are taught at Dr. Mayer’s studio or in your home. Lesson rates are $50-$30/hour based on travel. Adult lessons are one hour long; youth lessons may be 30, 45 or 60 minutes. Youth lessons are discounted 15% prorated on an hourly rate. Beginning group lessons are scheduled when 4-8 violin students are ready to start. Rates and locations are flexible depending on group numbers and classroom availability. For more information, please visit our Contact page.